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Scott & Christina Caldwell

Evangelizing the Lost /  Empowering the Church  /  Encouraging Pastors


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Wrestle With MeEvangelist Scott Caldwell




Scott and Christina have a rich heritage in the local church and in ministry. They both grew up in the church, Scott in a Pastor’s home and Christina in the home of a deacon. They served twenty-two years in Pastoral roles in the local church including Lead, Associate, Worship, and Youth Pastors.

They now serve the church world-wide as missionary evangelists with a three-fold purpose.

Evangelize the lost.
Empower the church.
Encourage pastors.


They have traveled thousands of miles seeing hundreds saved, and countless lives transformed as they lead God’s people into His presence through worship, preach the Gospel, and minister to Pastors and their families.

They are prophetic and anointed carriers of the presence and glory of God who both have degrees in Church ministry. With invitations and opportunities to minister internationally and their music being played in over twenty countries, they are impacting lives all over the world.


In November of 2020, their television show, Words For Life, began airing throughout the middle east, and now airs in 182 countries around the world.  They are seeing thousands saved through Words For Life.

Scott is an author and dynamic speaker with a strong prophetic gift, who through relevant teaching, life application, illustrations, and humor, will inspire congregations to pursue a closer walk with God. Christina is a gifted worship leader with an anointing to touch the deepest parts of the heart through her gift of worship. Their ministry will bless you, challenge you, encourage you, and leave you with a deep hunger for more of God. They are a relevant voice for the Kingdom  of God in this day and age.

What Pastors are saying...

If you are eager for a relevant message with a Prophetic edge that echos the heart of the Father in these days of uncertainty that we are all facing, you will do well to consider bringing this dynamic ministry team in to pour into not only your congregation but your staff as well.


Todd Turnbow

Lead Pastor - The Worship Center

Lubbock, TX

Scott and Christina Caldwell bring a powerful anointing through worship and the word.

Their ability to lead the church into the throne room of God and to soak in His presence is beyond talent.  It is an anointing. Every time Scott has ministered the word, it has been a timely message for our congregation that has evidently been poured over in prayer.


Pastor Ronnie Woodward

Lead Pastor - Family Worship Center

Amarillo, TX

In a world filled with those who seek self promotion & popularity; the Caldwell’s seek God’s approval and His presence above all else! You’re life, ministry and church will be blessed beyond measure and changed forever through their ministry! I encourage you to invite them to your church today!



Scott and Christina are anointed to minister to the body of Christ with conviction, and compassion. They exhibit the Heart of Jesus in word and action and are the definition of a Kingdom partner. 


Pastor Robert and Dee Burton

Lead Pastor - Yes Lord Church

Amarillo, TX

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Scott & Christina Caldwell
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Thank You for giving to the ministry and for being a partner in ministry with us.  Our prayer is that God will use us to ignite a passion for Christ through worship and the word, and to bring revival back to America.  Please continue to pray for us, that God would provide and open doors for us to share His gospel.  We love you!




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